The combination of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy with both 17O isotopic enrichment and DFT calculations provided detailed insight into both the bulk and surface structure of γ-Al2O3.Comparison of experimental 17O NMR spectra to computational predictions confirmed that bulk γ-Al2O3 contains Al cations primarily in “spinel-like” sites, with roughly equal numbers of alternating AlVI and AlIV vacancies in disordered “chains”. The work showed that overlap of signals from OIV and OIII species complicates detailed spectral analysis and highlighted potential problems with previous work where structural conclusions are based onan unambiguous assignment (and quantification) of these signals. There was no evidence for the presence of H, or for any significant levels of O vacancies, in the bulk structure of γ-Al2O3. Computational predictions from structural models for different surfaces showed a wide variety of protonated and non-protonated O species occur. Assignment of signals for two types of protonated O species was achieved using variable temperature CP and TRAPDOR experiments, with the sharper and broader resonances attributed to more accessible surface sites that interact more strongly with water and less accessible aluminols, respectively. DFT-predicted 1H NMR parameters confirmed the 1H shift increases with denticity, but is also dependent on the coordination of the next nearest neighbour Al species. Spectral assignments were also supported by 1H-27Al RESPDOR experiments, which identified spectral components resulting from μ1,μ2 and μ3 aluminols. Combining these with 1H-27Al D-HMQC experiments showed that (i) μ1 aluminols are more likely to be bound to AlIV, (ii) μ2 aluminols are coordinated to all three types of Al, but with a higher proportion bound to similar types of Al and (iii) μ3 aluminols are most likely bound to higher coordinated Al species.1H DQ MAS spectroscopy confirmed no aluminols exist exclusively in isolation, but showed that the closest proximities are between bridging aluminols coordinated to AlIV and/or AlV species.